In the second part of the activity, was organized the painting exhibition with works of middle-school pupils of “Turgut Ozal” College. This exhibition was conducted under the supervision of the devoted teacher of Figurative Art, Mrs. Aferdita Riveni.

There were presented 150 paintings in the exhibition. What stood out in the works presented in the exhibition was the appeal that the pupils addressed to parents and teachers: “Protect the Ozone, Ensure our future”. The evaluating commission of the works, made up from the teacher of figurative art Aferdita Riveni, teacher Marta Skenderi and the representative of NOU Silvana Delia, selected the three best works presented by Ergi Coku, Mona Dulaj and Bora Celaj.

Then,took place the ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition of the best paintings. 30 pupils were given encouragement prizes. All winners of the competition were awarded with books, encyclopaedias and certificates.

In the conclusion of the activities, Mr. Selman Fettahoglu, director of the College, emphasized that the activities organized in collaboration with NOU, a part of the information that the pupils acquired on the Ozone Layer, Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol, they also created an inspiring atmosphere to the pupils which made them happy by becoming part of the world wide effort on the protection of the Ozone layer. It is worth mentioning that to the pupils were delivered information and leaflets regarding the Ozone layer, Montreal Protocol and Vienna Convention.