Albania is part of the HMPM project, which aims to implement activities that will help the country to meet compliance targets under the Montreal Protocol, specifically to meet a 35% reduction of the HCFC consumption baseline by 1 January 2020.
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are widely used in the refrigeration and air-conditioning servicing sector. While they do less damage to the ozone layer than CFCs, HCFCs are in the process of being phased out, under the Montreal Protocol due to their potential ozone depleting properties. In Article 5 countries, in which Albania is part, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems account for some seventy-five percent of HCFC consumption. Consequently, focusing HCFC phase-out efforts, on the servicing sector will contribute significantly to ozone layer protection.
With the purpose of improving the knowledge about the Kigali Amendment, the alternatives of HCFCs and HFCs, reducing the HCFC and HFC consumption in the refrigeration and air-conditioning, minimizing the impact of refrigeration on the environment, the National Ozone Unit organized on May 2019, a set of trainings, arranged in two different days each. The first training was organized in Tirana, the capital city and the subsequent training took place in Durres, the second largest city in Albania.
The training program of technicians on “Alternatives to HCFCs and high GWP HFCs in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Sector” was designed as part of HPMP with the purpose to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the attendees. During the first day, on 28 May 2019, the participants have been introduced with theoretical knowledge and concepts, with the aim to improve safety concepts and enhance servicing skills. The technicians have been provided with know-how and principles on new refrigerants –properties, safety measures and safe handling of new refrigerants which lead to a reduced leakage. Energy efficiency sessions constituted a pivotal moment of this training, during which the key speakers unfolded concepts on energy-efficiency and climate benefits and contributions to climate change from air conditioners as the main energy-related contribution of air conditioners to climate change comes from GHG emissions (mainly CO2) from the production of electricity.
The second day of the training was conceptualized and organized as a site visit, in one of the facilities which has and function with natural refrigerant, specifically with ammonia. The site visit was organized at “Birra Tirana”, the largest beer producer in Albania hence with large cooling systems, which uses Ammonia Refrigeration system, with single stage, direct expansion. The working group evaluated the current sites located in Durres, which could present a interest for the participants, and after assessing that none of them could provide any know how, as they do not use modern RAC equipment nor natural refrigerants, it has been decided that the second day of the training will take place at “Birra Tirana”, located between Tirana and Durres, and the NOU arranged the transport of the technicians to this location.
During the first sessions of the second day, the technicians has been introduced to the system in use at the “Birra Tirana” and namely the use of R717 as a refrigerant, its efficiency for the large scale operations and the functioning system and the energy savings, unfolding the basics of industrial ammonia refrigeration systems, underlining the importance of developing and implementing good engineering practices, in order to guarantee work safety.
During these sessions the participants have been introduced with the safety protocols in use and the importance of trained maintenance personnel before performing usual tasks, such as for example removing oil, adding ammonia
The second day has been highly appreciated by the participants as it provided an opportunity to practical know how of a refrigeration system, using natural refrigerants